10 Signs you work in a great Workplace!

Having a great work environment is the key to keeping happy employees; a work environment should promote positivity, productivity and overall wellness of their employees. If the environment you work in is welcoming, positive and energetic you will automatically reflect those vibes and will be happy to be going into work for another productive day. Yes we know that sometimes you just don’t feel like working but a healthy environment will always help put that frown upside down!

Honesty is key

A company that is honest with their employees will embed a certain level of trust and loyalty between the organisation and the staff, if the organisation gives both constructive and positive feedback employees will view it as an opportunity to grow, this works on both ends even when the staff gives feedback and actions are taken to implement that feedback, there will be a sense of understanding and appreciation from the employees and they will feel as if their voice is heard.


A calm and productive atmosphere promotes happy employees with an eagerness to be more and do more. Employees should feel acknowledged and rewarded, if they have a fear of being dominated, bullied or sexually harassed there will be a large turnover and employee moral will be at an all-time low.

Positive Values

A company should have a clear and positive mission statement that exemplifies the highest commitment to quality and service to each other, the company and clients. Having this message for your employees will definitely make them proud to be working for an honest and ethically driven company.

A strong team factor

If you see that people around you go the extra mile and help each other out, that’s a sure sign that the environment you work in is a positive one and there is a certain sense of camaraderie between the employees. It’s always nice working in environments that promote helping each other and having a good healthy competition rather than have backstabbing and vengeful colleagues.

Employees are committed

If the employees are committed to providing their 200% at their job this motivates everyone else to follow suit and it shows that they go the extra mile because the company recognises that they do, this is a sure sign that this environment will be a great place to work in.


Sometimes you just need to have a laugh; environments that aren’t too strict will enable staff to joke around every now and again which will release endorphins which are our natural antidepressants. This doesn’t mean crack a joke every 2 seconds but breaking the cycle a bit might help boost the overall moral of everyone which in turn will entice everyone to be more productive, it’s a win-win situation.


Change is inevitable; it is the only constant in the world. Companies need to be able to adapt to new trends and technologies, if not the company will no longer be enticing and it will become a dinosaur and we all know what happened to them! One moment they are here another they’re not.

An emphasis on family and personal health.

Companies should provide systems such as, free therapy sessions, safe spaces to talk, alternatives to minimize stress at the work place or even having talks on how to have a healthy work-life balance or how to monitor your mental health and of those around you. These strategies help provide a stigma free and safe environment for every individual to flourish, if you provide these systems your employees will feel better at work and will appreciate having such an understanding and forward thinking organisation leading them .

Treating personal issues with respect

When a colleague has a personal issue that they shared with you and/or the management such as an illness, accident or personal tragedy it is paramount that you treat that issue with respect. If maybe that colleague cannot perform as well as they generally would, it would be great if you take on some of their load and show them that you are supporting them in their time of need in a respectful and professional way. As for the management, maybe offering a day off or council support would definitely benefit them in the future; a happy employee is a loyal employee. 

Thank you

Showing employees that they are valued in the place of work will benefit the company overall, if positive reinforcement is made this should encourage employees to do better. Providing rewards, promotions and certificates of achievement are great motivators to ensure everyone feels appreciated and valued.

So if your current work place ticks all of the above or at least most of them, then there you have it you are working in a great environment! But if you’ve realised that the place you work in doesn’t even tick one or more then why not try and change it? We at Ennesse can provide you with most if not all of the above, where support, training and forward thinking is a given since we are such a young and vibrant company. Get in touch with us on hr@ennesse.com.mt and get your career started today!

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